Plastines chirurgijos draugija

Impeccable reputation and attention to patients We improve the art and science of plastic and reconstructive surgery. We ensure the highest level of experience and competence of surgeons. The honorable ambitions of our profession are a responsibility to patients and society.

The Lithuanian Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Society  unites the representatives of this specialty since 1991. The goal of the society is to establish the highest standards of the services in the scope of specialty.

Society cooperates with Lithuanian authorities and Universities, as well as International Organizations to ensure the harmonic development of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and fulfilment of high quality requirements of European Union. We try to do our best to help our surgeons to establish high professional and ethical standards, to implement into the practice latest methods and medical technologies.

Members of our Society are recognized internationally. We are proud that more  and more patients from abroad trust our plastic surgeons and numbers of medical tourism are growing every year.

We also are happy of our constant growth made by new members - responsible and creative young doctors.  

Professionalism, ethics and innovations are key goals we pursue nationally and globally.



The chairman of the society prof. Rytis Rimdeika


High level of professional and medical ethics in the field of plastic surgery

New opportunities for Lithuanian plastic surgery at the international level

GROWTH The Society is actively involved in addressing key issues at the national and international levels.

The doctor's decision must be based on science, professional practice and ethics.